Better late than Never
Sunday, December 02, 2007
♥ 1:50 PM
Okay, so I am seriously getting ready to post about Halloween. Our laptop is all jacked up and that has all my camera software on it. I was too lazy to load it onto our desktop. But sitting and having to watch 4 football games will get me motivated. So, our church did a Holy Ghost Town. We completely emptied our sanctuary and got decorating.

We had a really good turn out. We had a chili cook off and costume contest. Here we have a really cute Pirate named Staci and Little Bo Beep who looks like she ate all her sheep!

Syd and Laney....

My Dudey-

My brother-in-law as Vampire Troy

Here are the pictures I wanted to download on my last post. This is Gladstones in Malibu. Where we went for Jimmy's 50 Birthday.

So, on the way to LA for the birthday weekend. What do we see on the freeway that we would only see in LA?
How about this........

And this....
You may be thinking that I am talking about the beat up truck with graffiti-NO (those are everywhere). If you look closely on the right side of the bumper there is a loaf of bread. Look closely!
Now hopefully I will get Thanksgiving up before Christmas!